Monday 20 February 2012

Gur Walay chaval (Jaggery Rice)


- 225g basmati rice
- 400ml water
- 200g gur
-1\4 cup ghee
- 1 tsp. aniseed
- 8 green cardamom
- 4 cloves
- 100g blanched almonds
- 50g unsalted pistachio nuts
- 25g green raisins
- 1tsp. lemon juice


Rinse rice in a sieve under the running water, then soak it in cold water for 30 minutes. Drain.Put water and gur in a pan and bring to boil. Boil for two minutes, then remove from heat and strain.In another heavy based pan heat ghee, add cardamom, aniseed and clove. Stirring all the time, fry these for couple of minutes. Stand well back, in case of spluttering, and add rice along with syrup. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to low.Add almonds, pistachio nuts, green raisins and lemon juice. Stir just once, cover with a tight fitting lid and cook for 20 minutes until syrup is completely absorbed.

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